Paul Nguyen, M.S.M., O.M.C.
Founder / @directorpaul
Paul Nguyen and Mark Simms at the Jane-Finch intersectionPaul Nguyen is an award-winning activist and filmmaker from Toronto’s Jane-Finch community. In 2004, he founded to empower youth and challenge negative stereotypes. His grassroots initiative quickly became a national success story, earning widespread recognition from political and community leaders across Canada.

A respected public speaker and media commentator, Paul addresses critical issues on race, crime, and youth empowerment. His work in storytelling and advocacy has made a lasting impact on Canadian media and society.

Paul has played a key role in groundbreaking documentaries, serving as Associate Producer for CBC’s
The Fifth Estate documentary Lost in the Struggle (2006), which followed the lives of gang-involved youth and was nominated for a Gemini Award. He also worked on Revealed: Missing the Target (2010) for Global, Lost in the Struggle: The Next Chapter (2012) for CBC, and Year of the Gun (2019) for CBC.

Paul is a recipient of the Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism, William P. Hubbard Award for Race Relations, Heritage Toronto Award, Canadian Ethnic Media Association Award, National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada Award, and the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship.

In 2012, Paul was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal at Rideau Hall by the Prime Minister and Governor General for "fighting stereotypes and acting as a role model and mentor for at-risk youth." In 2015, he received the Meritorious Service Medal, followed by the Governor General’s Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers in 2017. He is recognized as a
Noteworthy Canadian of Asian Heritage by the Government of Canada and featured in the book 150 Extraordinary Canadians.

In 2018, Paul received Canada’s Volunteer Award and won back-to-back CEMA Awards for his stories in the ethnic press. In 2020, CBC Radio aired
Rap Battle, an hour-long chronicle of his journey with He was honoured with the Star Metroland Media Urban Hero Award in 2021.
Paul served on York University’s Senate and was a member of the York University Alumni Board from 2015 to 2024. He is the former Vice-President of the Vietnamese Association of Toronto and currently sits on the board of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada.

Paul was the Co-Producer of
What Jennifer Did, Netflix's most-watched documentary movie in 2024. He was awarded the King Charles III Coronation Medal in 2025.
Paul Nguyen talks about Netflix's What Jennifer Did on CBC News Toronto
Paul Nguyen discusses What Jennifer Did on CBC
Paul Nguyen talks about Netflix's What Jennifer Did on CP24 Breakfast
Paul Nguyen discusses What Jennifer Did on CP24
Paul Nguyen talks about gun violence on CTV
Paul Nguyen talks about gun violence on CTV
Paul Nguyen talks about housing on CityNews
Paul Nguyen talks about housing on CityNews
Paul Nguyen wins the 2019 CEMA Award in the internet category
2019 Canadian Ethnic Media Association Award
Paul Nguyen receives the June Callwood Award from Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, the honourable Laura Albanese
2018 Canada's Volunteer Award
Paul Nguyen receives the Governor General's Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers from Toronto Mayor John Tory
2017 Sovereign's Medal
Paul Nguyen receives the June Callwood Award from Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, the honourable Laura Albanese
2017 June Callwood Award
Paul Nguyen receives the Meritorious Service Medal from Governor General David Johnston
2015 Meritorious Service Medal
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Paul Nguyen and Governor General David Johnston
2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Norm Kelly, Paul Nguyen, John Tory, Brad Duguid, Chin Lee
2015 Lunar New Year
Paul Nguyen receives the National Ethnic Press award from the Lt. Gov. of Ontario, David C. Onley
2012 National Ethnic Press and Media Council Award
Paul Nguyen receives the Newcomer Champion Award from Hon. Eric Hoskins, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
2011 Newcomer Champion Award
Paul Nguyen, Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
2010 Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism
Paul Nguyen, Hon. David C. Onley, Ontario Lieutenant Governor, Dr. Eric Hoskins, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
2010 Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship
Toronto City Councillor Gord Perks, Paul Nguyen, Toronto Mayor David Miller
2009 William P. Hubbard Award for Race Relations
Sam Trigila, Eve Lewis, Paul Nguyen, Sue Chun, Peter C. Ortved
2011 Heritage Toronto Award
Paul Nguyen accepts the Internet Award at the 32nd Annual CEMA Awards on OMNI Television
2010 Canadian Ethnic Media Association Award
Paul Nguyen York Convocation Speech
Paul Nguyen discusses the Sovereign's Medal on CBC
2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
CBC's Our Toronto (2017)
Lunar New Year Statement (2018)
Journey to Freedom Day Act
2011 Newcomer Champion Awards on CBC
Lost in the Struggle: The Next Chapter (2012)
2009 City of Toronto Human Rights Awards
2010 Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism
2010 Canadian Ethnic Media Association Awards
Statement about Paul Nguyen in Parliament
Sun TV Canoe Live
2013 Aroni Image Award on CTV

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